We are being asked to take a couple of minutes to help Idaho off-roaders and ask the committee members to support H129.
The House Transportation and Defense Committee will have the Idaho State ATV Association’s bill, H129, before it on Thursday, Feb. 26 at 1:30 p.m.
This bill will allow OHVs to operate on numbered state highways (except freeways) within city limits where the speed limit is 45 mph or less. Rep. Gestrin is the committee sponsor.
Here is a link to the bill: http://www.legislature.idaho.gov/legislation/2015/H0129.htm
Please encourage your members to attend and support this legislation. Also, please encourage your members to e-mail committee members in support of the bill. Below is a list of the committee members and their e-mail addresses.
Chair Joe Palmer jpalmer@house.idaho.gov
Vice Chair Paul E. Shepherd pshepherd@house.idaho.gov
Richard Wills rwills@house.idaho.gov
Linden B. Bateman lbateman@house.idaho.gov
Terry Gestrin tgestrin@house.idaho.gov
Brandon A. Hixon bhixon@house.idaho.gov
Clark Kauffman ckauffman@house.idaho.gov
Kelley Packer kpacker@house.idaho.gov
Rick D. Youngblood ryoungblood@house.idaho.gov
Patrick McDonald pmcdonald@house.idaho.gov
Sage Dixon sdixon@house.idaho.gov
Steven Harris sharris@house.idaho.gov
James Holtzclaw jholtzclaw@house.idaho.gov
Jason A. Monks jmonks@house.idaho.gov
Phylis K. King pking@house.idaho.gov
Dan Rudolph drudolph@house.idaho.gov
Melissa Wintrow mwintrow@house.idaho.gov