We picked our new (and we mean new—less than two miles on the vehicle) YXZ1000R SE media loaner from Yamaha and since we didn’t have anything really pressing at the office, we headed up to the Big Hole Mountains for a quick spin.

We did run into snow at about 7,500 feet and had to turn around and stick to some lower trails but that didn’t really break our hearts. We were just having fun and part of that fun was seeing how the YXZ1000R handled the mountains. Great. We have experienced the YXZ1000R at the Glamis Dunes as well as in the desert in Southern California and knew how it performed there.
But we were anxious to see how it does in the mountains. There was, surprisingly, a little bit of a learning curve with various parts of the terrain and shifting, mostly between first and second and also reverse, but once we figured it out, it was smooth sailing.
This was our inaugural run. More to come.