Head to the Quadna Mountain Park in Hill City, MN, for the 2017 High Lifter Quadna Mud Nationals June 8-11.
This event is for those itching to mud ride and fans from all over are lined up to ride, play and compete. The Mud Bog Races feature fast bikes flying through thick mud and the Sled Pull will challenge competitors to pull their weight. The Obstacle Course will include a little of everything. Families and kids of all ages can enjoy the Poker Run and other activities. Minnesota’s own Copperhead Creek will be in concert Saturday at 9 p.m.

The event begins on Thursday, June 8 with a special VIP Day for those who want an extra day to trail ride and enjoy a BBQ with the High lifter Team. There is also a special VIP Barn Dance Thursday night. The admission for Thursday through Sunday is the special VIP pricing of $80. The regular event pricing for Friday through Sunday is $60. Friday only or Saturday only is $40 for each day. Admission for children six to 12 years old is half of the adult price and children under six are free. Camping is available.
For the entire event schedule and more information, please visit http://www.quadnamudnationals.com/.