The key of solving any problem is to have the right tool available to do the job. Sometimes the problem may be simple and fixable. Sometimes you just need to be pulled out of a snow drift or mud bog. And sometimes you just need to be towed to the shop.
The editors of Dirt Toys Magazine have found a tool that should be part of everyone’s vehicle emergency gear—the Bubba Rope. This is a tow rope that can get you going or get you where the problem can be more properly examined.
The Bubba Rope is made from 100 percent USA double braided nylon with vinyl coating for water, UV and abrasion resistance. It is simply designed with loops on both ends to facilitate attaching to your vehicle. Added protection is applied to the wear points on the loops.
The concept of Bubba Ropes originated with the U.S. military, which was using expandable nylon ropes for airlifting heavy cargo by helicopter. In 2010, the first tow strap bearing the name Bubba Ropes was introduced at SEMA and received the top award in New Products Packaging Design. Five years later it earned the SEMA honor for Best New Off-Road Product.
Bubba Ropes come in various sizes and strengths—from tow straps to recovery ropes and winch lines. The company also makes Gator-Jaw Shackles—an attachment line made from Plasma, the highest strength synthetic rope available. The shackles feature a proprietary vinyl urethane coating for abrasion resistance. A button knot works with a self-tightening loop that will not slip off during use. A unique two-color design provides high contrast and visibility. The Gator-Jaws are lightweight (they float in water) and flexible. Yet they tout a breaking strength of 32,000 pounds.
Bubba Ropes can be cleaned with water if they get dirty or muddy. The Original Bubba Rope (recommended for UTVs) is 7/8 inches thick by 30 feet long and touts a breaking strength of 28,600 lbs.

Surprisingly Convenient
When I saw the Bubba Ropes on display at SEMA, I knew immediately that this is one product that would be handy to have around. And I wasn’t wrong.
Within an eight-day period, I used three different Bubba Ropes in three unique situations. First, a friend’s snowmobile broke down in the backcountry and I had to tow it out to the trailhead. Three days later my neighbor’s RZR got stuck plowing snow and I needed to drag it out of the drift. And then a few days later I had to drag a car that was stuck in the snow. Three different ropes … and each one perfectly suited for the situation.
When it comes to recovery tools, you definitely want to have these Bubba Ropes handy.
Price: $209.